Brown rice cooked to perfection and sterilized ready for inoculation.
Grain spawn is a great way to grow mushrooms in bulk, once your grain is colonized it can be used to inoculate a bulk substrate and allows for much larger yields. Grain spawn can be used to inoculate bulk substrates in a ratio of between 1-5 to 1-10. Your 1kg grain spawn tub can inoculate between 4l to 8l of bulk substrate. The more you stretch it the longer the colonization times and chance of infection.
This product is for advanced growers who are prepared to do further research into growing their relevant mushroom strain from grain spawn.
This product is provided inoculated, please take a look at our liquid cultures and add a comment at the bottom with what strain you would like us to inoculate
We inoculate infont of a sterile flow hood for you so you dont have to, Inoculation will happen once order is placed, inocculation will take from 1-3 weeks depending on strain and temperature
Once received keep in a dark ventilated area between 20-25 degrees, once fully colonized it is ready, easy as that.